Function to calculate gene signature enrichment scores per spatial position using PAGE.
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Arguments passed on to runPAGEEnrich
gobject Giotto object
sign_matrix Matrix of signature genes for each cell type / process
expression_values expression values to use
min_overlap_genes minimum number of overlapping genes in sign_matrix required to calculate enrichment
reverse_log_scale reverse expression values from log scale
logbase log base to use if reverse_log_scale = TRUE
output_enrichment how to return enrichment output
p_value calculate p-values (boolean, default = FALSE)
include_depletion calculate both enrichment and depletion
n_times number of permutations to calculate for p_value
max_block number of lines to process together (default = 20e6)
name to give to spatial enrichment results, default = PAGE
verbose be verbose
return_gobject return giotto object
See also