Visualize cells and gene expression in a virtual cross section according to spatial coordinates
insertCrossSectionGenePlot3D( gobject, crossSection_obj = NULL, name = NULL, spatial_network_name = "Delaunay_network", mesh_grid_color = "#1f77b4", mesh_grid_width = 3, mesh_grid_style = "dot", sdimx = "sdimx", sdimy = "sdimy", sdimz = "sdimz", show_other_cells = F, axis_scale = c("cube", "real", "custom"), custom_ratio = NULL, show_plot = NA, return_plot = NA, save_plot = NA, save_param = list(), default_save_name = "spatGenePlot3D_with_cross_section", ... )
gobject | giotto object |
crossSection_obj | cross section object as alternative input. default = NULL. |
name | name of virtual cross section to use |
spatial_network_name | name of spatial network to use |
mesh_grid_color | color for the meshgrid lines |
mesh_grid_width | width for the meshgrid lines |
mesh_grid_style | style for the meshgrid lines |
sdimx | x-axis dimension name (default = 'sdimx') |
sdimy | y-axis dimension name (default = 'sdimy') |
sdimz | z-axis dimension name (default = 'sdimy') |
show_other_cells | display not selected cells |
axis_scale | axis_scale |
custom_ratio | custom_ratio |
show_plot | show plots |
return_plot | return ggplot object |
save_plot | directly save the plot [boolean] |
save_param | list of saving parameters from |
default_save_name | default save name for saving, don't change, change save_name in save_param |
... | parameters for spatGenePlot3D |
Description of parameters.