Description of Giotto saving options, links to all_plots_save_function



Instruction on how to use the automatic plot saving options within Giotto


#> This is a simple guide to help you with automatically saving plots. #> Importantly, defaults for all these parameters can be set at the beginning with createGiottoInstructions() #> See for more information and examples #> #> Each plotting function in Giotto has 4 important parameters for showing and/or saving a plot: #> #> - show_plot: TRUE or FALSE, show the plot to the console #> - return_plot: TRUE or FALSE, return the plot to the console (e.g. to further modify or save the plot #> - save_plot: TRUE or FALSE, automatically save the plot #> - save_param: a list of parameters that can be set #> #> The following list of parameters can be provided to save_param: #> #> - save_dir: directory to save the plot to #> - save_folder: if not NULL, a subfolder within save_dir that will be created to save the plot to #> - save_name: name of the plot (no extension needed, see save_format) #> - save_format: picture format to use, default is .png #> - ncol: number of columns for multiplots #> - nrow: number of rows for multiplot #> - scale: scale of plots #> - base_width: width of plot #> - base_height: height of plot #> - base_aspect_ratio: ratio of plot #> - units: plotting units (e.g. in) #> - dpi: dpi for each plot if plot is in raster format #> #> Example: #> #> plotfunction(..., #> save_plot = TRUE, #> save_param = list(save_name = 'favorite_name', units = 'png'))