This function return histograms displaying the distance distribution for each spatial k-neighbor
spatNetwDistributions( gobject, spatial_network_name = "spatial_network", distribution = c("distance", "k_neighbors"), hist_bins = 30, test_distance_limit = NULL, ncol = 1, show_plot = NA, return_plot = NA, save_plot = NA, save_param = list(), default_save_name = "spatNetwDistributions" )
gobject | Giotto object |
spatial_network_name | name of spatial network |
distribution | show the distribution of cell-to-cell distance or number of k neighbors |
hist_bins | number of binds to use for the histogram |
test_distance_limit | effect of different distance threshold on k-neighbors |
ncol | number of columns to visualize the histograms in |
show_plot | show plot |
return_plot | return ggplot object |
save_plot | directly save the plot [boolean] |
save_param | list of saving parameters from |
default_save_name | default save name for saving, alternatively change save_name in save_param |
ggplot plot
The distance option shows the spatial distance distribution for each nearest neighbor rank (1st, 2nd, 3th, ... neigbor).
With this option the user can also test the effect of a distance limit on the spatial network. This distance limit can be used to remove neigbor
cells that are considered to far away.
The k_neighbors option shows the number of k neighbors distribution over all cells.