Create barplot from cell-cell proximity scores
min_orig_ints = 5,
min_sim_ints = 5,
p_val = 0.05,
show_plot = NA,
return_plot = NA,
save_plot = NA,
save_param = list(),
default_save_name = "cellProximityBarplot"
giotto object
CPscore, output from cellProximityEnrichment()
filter on minimum original cell-cell interactions
filter on minimum simulated cell-cell interactions
show plot
return ggplot object
directly save the plot [boolean]
list of saving parameters from all_plots_save_function
default save name for saving, don't change, change save_name in save_param
ggplot barplot
This function creates a barplot that shows the spatial proximity enrichment or depletion of cell type pairs.