Creates heatmap for genes and clusters.
expression_values = c("normalized", "scaled", "custom"),
cluster_column = NULL,
cluster_order = c("size", "correlation", "custom"),
cluster_custom_order = NULL,
cluster_color_code = NULL,
cluster_cor_method = "pearson",
cluster_hclust_method = "ward.D",
gene_order = c("correlation", "custom"),
gene_custom_order = NULL,
gene_cor_method = "pearson",
gene_hclust_method = "complete",
show_values = c("rescaled", "z-scaled", "original"),
size_vertical_lines = 1.1,
gradient_colors = c("blue", "yellow", "red"),
gene_label_selection = NULL,
axis_text_y_size = NULL,
legend_nrows = 1,
show_plot = NA,
return_plot = NA,
save_plot = NA,
save_param = list(),
default_save_name = "plotHeatmap"
giotto object
expression values to use
genes to use
name of column to use for clusters
method to determine cluster order
custom order for clusters
color code for clusters
method for cluster correlation
method for hierarchical clustering of clusters
method to determine gene order
custom order for genes
method for gene correlation
method for hierarchical clustering of genes
which values to show on heatmap
sizes for vertical lines
colors for heatmap gradient
subset of genes to show on y-axis
size for y-axis text
number of rows for the cluster legend
show plot
return ggplot object
directly save the plot [boolean]
list of saving parameters, see showSaveParameters
default save name
If you want to display many genes there are 2 ways to proceed:
1. set axis_text_y_size to a really small value and show all genes
2. provide a subset of genes to display to gene_label_selection
if (FALSE) {
# get all genes
all_genes = slot(mini_giotto_single_cell, 'gene_ID')
# plot heatmap
genes = all_genes[1:10])
# look at cell metadata
cell_metadata = pDataDT(mini_giotto_single_cell)
# plot heatmap per cell type, a column name from cell_metadata
genes = all_genes[1:10],
cluster_column = 'cell_types')