Compute spatial variable genes with spatialDE method
gobject = NULL,
expression_values = c("raw", "normalized", "scaled", "custom"),
size = c(4, 2, 1),
color = c("blue", "green", "red"),
sig_alpha = 0.5,
unsig_alpha = 0.5,
python_path = NULL,
show_plot = NA,
return_plot = NA,
save_plot = NA,
save_param = list(),
default_save_name = "SpatialDE"
Giotto object
gene expression values to use
size of plot
low/medium/high color scheme for plot
alpha value for significance
alpha value for unsignificance
specify specific path to python if required
show plot
return ggplot object
directly save the plot [boolean]
list of saving parameters, see showSaveParameters
default save name for saving, don't change, change save_name in save_param
a list of data.frames with results and plot (optional)
This function is a wrapper for the SpatialDE method implemented in the ...