cluster cells using a NN-network and the Louvain algorithm.
version = c("community", "multinet"),
name = "louvain_clus",
nn_network_to_use = "sNN",
network_name = "sNN.pca",
python_path = NULL,
resolution = 1,
weight_col = NULL,
gamma = 1,
omega = 1,
louv_random = F,
return_gobject = TRUE,
set_seed = F,
seed_number = 1234,
giotto object
implemented version of Louvain clustering to use
name for cluster
type of NN network to use (kNN vs sNN)
name of NN network to use
[community] specify specific path to python if required
[community] resolution
weight column name
[multinet] Resolution parameter for modularity in the generalized louvain method.
[multinet] Inter-layer weight parameter in the generalized louvain method
[community] Will randomize the node evaluation order and the community evaluation order to get different partitions at each call
boolean: return giotto object (default = TRUE)
set seed
number for seed
additional parameters
giotto object with new clusters appended to cell metadata
Louvain clustering using the community or multinet implementation of the louvain clustering algorithm.