path_to_matrix = system.file("extdata", "seqfish_field_expr.txt", package = 'Giotto')
path_to_locations = system.file("extdata", "seqfish_field_locs.txt", package = 'Giotto')
my_giotto_object = createGiottoObject(raw_exprs = path_to_matrix,
spatial_locs = path_to_locations)
# processing
my_giotto_object <- filterGiotto(gobject = my_giotto_object,
expression_threshold = 0.5,
gene_det_in_min_cells = 20,
min_det_genes_per_cell = 0)
my_giotto_object <- normalizeGiotto(gobject = my_giotto_object)
# dimension reduction
my_giotto_object <- calculateHVG(gobject = my_giotto_object)
my_giotto_object <- runPCA(gobject = my_giotto_object)
my_giotto_object <- runUMAP(my_giotto_object, dimensions_to_use = 1:5)
# leiden clustering
my_giotto_object = doLeidenCluster(my_giotto_object, name = 'leiden_clus')
# annotate
metadata = pDataDT(my_giotto_object)
uniq_clusters = length(unique(metadata$leiden_clus))
clusters_cell_types = paste0('cell ', LETTERS[1:uniq_clusters])
names(clusters_cell_types) = 1:uniq_clusters
my_giotto_object = annotateGiotto(gobject = my_giotto_object,
annotation_vector = clusters_cell_types,
cluster_column = 'leiden_clus',
name = 'cell_types')
# create network (required for binSpect methods)
my_giotto_object = createSpatialNetwork(gobject = my_giotto_object, minimum_k = 2)
# identify genes with a spatial coherent expression profile
km_spatialgenes = binSpect(my_giotto_object, bin_method = 'kmeans')
LR_data = data.table::fread(system.file("extdata", "mouse_ligand_receptors.txt", package = 'Giotto'))
LR_data[, ligand_det := ifelse(mouseLigand %in% my_giotto_object@gene_ID, T, F)]
LR_data[, receptor_det := ifelse(mouseReceptor %in% my_giotto_object@gene_ID, T, F)]
LR_data_det = LR_data[ligand_det == T & receptor_det == T]
select_ligands = LR_data_det$mouseLigand
select_receptors = LR_data_det$mouseReceptor
## get statistical significance of gene pair expression changes based on expression ##
expr_only_scores = exprCellCellcom(gobject = my_giotto_object,
cluster_column = 'cell_types',
random_iter = 500,
gene_set_1 = select_ligands,
gene_set_2 = select_receptors)
## get statistical significance of gene pair expression changes upon cell-cell interaction
spatial_all_scores = spatCellCellcom(my_giotto_object,
spatial_network_name = 'Delaunay_network',
cluster_column = 'cell_types',
random_iter = 500,
gene_set_1 = select_ligands,
gene_set_2 = select_receptors,
adjust_method = 'fdr',
do_parallel = T,
cores = 4,
verbose = 'none')
## select top LR ##
selected_spat = spatial_all_scores[p.adj <= 0.5 & abs(log2fc) > 0.1 & lig_nr >= 2 & rec_nr >= 2]
data.table::setorder(selected_spat, -PI)
top_LR_ints = unique(selected_spat[order(-abs(PI))]$LR_comb)[1:33]
top_LR_cell_ints = unique(selected_spat[order(-abs(PI))]$LR_cell_comb)[1:33]
plotCCcomHeatmap(gobject = my_giotto_object,
comScores = spatial_all_scores,
selected_LR = top_LR_ints,
selected_cell_LR = top_LR_cell_ints,
show = 'LR_expr')
plotCCcomDotplot(gobject = my_giotto_object,
comScores = spatial_all_scores,
selected_LR = top_LR_ints,
selected_cell_LR = top_LR_cell_ints,
cluster_on = 'PI')
## * spatial vs rank ####
comb_comm = combCCcom(spatialCC = spatial_all_scores,
exprCC = expr_only_scores)
# top differential activity levels for ligand receptor pairs
plotRankSpatvsExpr(gobject = my_giotto_object,
expr_rnk_column = 'exprPI_rnk',
spat_rnk_column = 'spatPI_rnk',
midpoint = 10)
## * recovery ####
## predict maximum differential activity
plotRecovery(gobject = my_giotto_object,
expr_rnk_column = 'exprPI_rnk',
spat_rnk_column = 'spatPI_rnk',
ground_truth = 'spatial')